From Mobile Suit Gundam Seed comes Calamity Gundam and the brand new Full Mechanics 1/100 model kit series, featuring new upgrades in molding parts and joint design.
Enhanced mechanical details now come straight from moulding parts which saves you time from building your own parts or scribing panel lines. Multi-axis joint design can now be found on the new model kit series, allowing higher articulation and movement on the MS figure. The Calamity Gundam will see such upgrade in the waist which allow the figure to bend in multiple directions.
Interaction between parts are designed and assembled to avoid interference during different movement; particular design can be found on the front skirt and the body. The Schlag backpack mounted beam cannons, hand held Todesblock Bazooka, and Anti-beam Shield all comes with highly defined details and panel lines, especially on the Todesblock and Anti-beam shield, where the grip of the bazooka and the beam cannons on the shield are articulated.
Full Mechanics Calamity Gundam will release at retail store in June 2021; pre-order is now available at participating retailers.