Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Meet FMA Greed / Ling Yao with a LED base this coming October

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST comes Ling Yao / Greed from Megahouse’s Precious G.E.M. series! 

The figure reveals Ling Yao in his all black outfit with the Ouroboros symbol on his left hand and the carbonized right arm—signs of his assimilation with homunculus Greed. Built around the final battle on the Promise Day, the figure comes with a red LED base which reflects the aura during his transformation. It is the title’s third installment in Precious G.E.M. series and certainly is a must have for FMA fans.

Precious G.E.M FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Greed / Ling Yao is now available for preorder on Megatre Shop JP until early June; scheduled release in late October.



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