Sega will launch a collection palm-sized Game Gear Micro to celebrate the portable console 30th Anniversary.
Game Gear was the first 8-bit full-color portable console launched in 1990, a revolutionary machine that plays a library of Sega Mega Drive game ports. Selection of these games will be pre-loaded on the Game Gear Micro (GGM). GGM will come in 4 color variants that host 4 sets of game each. Here’s a list of games on each variant:
Sonic the Hedgehog, Puyo Puyo 2, Outrun, Royal Stone
Sonic & Tails, Gunstar Heroes, Sylvan Tale, Baku Baku Animal.
Shining Force Gaiden, Shining Force Gaiden 2, Shining Force Gaiden Final Conflict, Nazo Puyo Arle no Roux
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible, Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible Special, The GG Shinobi and Columns
Measuring at 80mm wide and 43mm tall with a 1.15-inch-display, GGM can be powered by two AAA batteries or by USB micro cable. Playing this mini console will certainly be challenging (and may perhaps it could become a social media challenge? We’d see.)
All Variant Package is available for preorder and will come with Big Window Micro screen magnifier as preorder bonus. Preorder through designated vendors will come with additional bonuses, please see the link for detail.
Game Gear Micro is expected to release in Japan on Oct 6, 2020.